Saturday, March 7, 2009

So called Islamic emails

From time to time we all receive some kind of so-called Islamic emails… I am posting some of the parts of my email to one of my friend who forwarded recently two emails to me:
This is my viewpoint on it... I am just writing few lines in response to the previous two emails you forwarded to me… I don’t means to hurt or offend you – please consider this just the opinion from elder brother… I am just expressing my personal opinion BUT you have the right to disagree totally or partially …

We know from centuries humans are discriminating and killing each other on the bases of color, race, ethnic, religious and linguistic basis and also on the basis of so many other artificial classifications. If we read the history critically from this perspective – most of the time greed for wealth and resources is the motive behind the wars and killing – but ordinary folks are too emotional about there religious, ethnic or any other circle, they lost the ability to see the real culprits behind or sometime they have there own evil wishes as well. I think being good human, being good Muslim and being the good followers of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) we shouldn’t be the part of that hate and greed game.
This is going on from centuries that people from different believe systems hate and kill each others…. There leaders have there own agendas and ignorant followers are being used as ammunition, basically humanity is suffering in this war. We need to apply our intellect to think out of the box. I can’t speak on behalf of others but I like to say something about the message of the last prophet of Allah Mohammad (PBUH) – “All humans are one nation (Omata wahida Insaniya) and Allah is the creator of all” Can you eliminate hate with hate, can we control wild fire with lighting more fire? … Lets contribute to defeat this hate, we know we cant have complete success in this life but at least we can contribute few drops as a positive step OR at least we can satisfy our souls that we follow the rules we trust.

Lets come to first email about Coco-Cola logo: This message is floating from years and years. My kids brought this from school… Anyway, why should I need to flip the Coca-Cola logo horizontally? And then to do the adjustment of the image that might looks like with some non-sense meaning that really hurts my believe? Who is putting that much effort behind and to stretch in this way – I have nothing more to say about this type of people other then this, that the brain(s) behind these messages are not positive and Allah give them courage to spread the last message of Allah in some positive and effective manners.

Regarding the email about the death of an artist he drew picture of our Prophet – let me tell you that the artists they drew those cartoons were 12 or more and not the one as it was mentioned in the email. Is in it our responsibility to do some research rather the news is correct or wrong? Even if it is true - why we are giving importance to these non-sense and sick people. In the words of one of our famous sufi poet of Punjabi Mian Mohammad Bux “ Dusman mare ta kushi na karia – Sajna wi warjana”
I recognize the fact that there are lobbies and people in this world they hate our prophet and our believe and also hate us. But the message of Islam is not reactionary – it is final message of creator to all of his creation to take benefit of his accurate advice. If somebody or some nations don’t want to follow this advice it is bad luck for them… BUT we should be behaving in the light of high human values of Quran not based on the bad actions or practices of others as reactionaries. Does this makes sense? For me it is.

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دین آدمیت - جوش ملیح آبادی

دین آدمیت (جوش ملیح آبادی)   جوش ملیح آبادی کی طویل نظم “دین آدمیت” سے منتخب اشعار   جب کبھی بھولے سے اپنے ہوش میں ہوتا ہوں میں دیر تک بھٹکے...