Friday, November 20, 2015

Why they Blame Us?

I just want to clarify - in this blog I am not trying to justifying the anti-Muslim backlash in Europe and North America after every terror attack in these countries rather trying to explain the reasons and what can we do to change this.

This is common rhetoric among most of our  Muslim fellows and especially confused young generation -  that Hitler, Stalin, Mao bla bla bla killed millions of people but nobody blame Christianity or some other religions for that AND why heat for the killing by Taliban or ISIS is coming towards Muslims/Islam. This kind of argument is not the way to understand the history of world conflicts and wars. Sometime when we simplify complicated issues, it just contributes to confuse audience even more. We as Muslims need to get out of this apologetic attitude for terrorists. We need to understand that these terrorists are using rigid interpretations of Islam where holy war (Jihad/Qataal) is the way to glorify Islam.

Historically speaking when Christians did Crusades (12th - 14th Century) under the sanction of Catholic Church history did blames on Christianity. But Hitler never justify war from his Bible; Stalin and Mao were none believer to begin with. The reason people are blaming Muslims/Islam is: Terrorists are using Quran as source of inspiration and unfortunately some of the most authentic religious scholars and groups of Islamic world are also saying the same things from years (e.g. Jamat Islami, Dewbandi, Salafi etc. scholars). I just want to remind, before Pakistan Army launched major operations against Taliban, Mullahs from those school of thoughts used to appear on Pakistani TV channels and openly shown there tilt for Taliban and other terrorist who killed over 80k innocent Pakistanis …….. but they were glorifying those killers and calling those terrorists “Shaheed”.

What we need to do?
We have to accept the reality, so far we are not successful to separate Islam from these so called Jihadi terrorist ideologies. I believe moderate/liberal Muslims and the followers of traditional interpretations of Islam need to bridge the gaps and come to some conclusion to separate religion from power politics. If we never address this issue people will always exploit Islam for any crazy or ambitious motives and the blame will go on every Muslim. Problems created by world imperialistic powers is political issue and we should probe that from political perspective instead of interpreting and understanding from religious point of view.

دین آدمیت - جوش ملیح آبادی

دین آدمیت (جوش ملیح آبادی)   جوش ملیح آبادی کی طویل نظم “دین آدمیت” سے منتخب اشعار   جب کبھی بھولے سے اپنے ہوش میں ہوتا ہوں میں دیر تک بھٹکے...