“Khada Pita Sain Da – baki Nadir Shahi Da” - meaning of this Punjabi proverb is: whatever you consume from your earning, is yours, but the savings for rainy days and rest of your hard work earning will be looted by Nadir Shah’s Army.
This is still popular expression among old folks in Punjab. Social historians believe that this phrase comes into life during early 18 century when Nadir Shah and other Afghan warriors invaded Northern India year after year and every time when Afghan warriors entered in the cities they looted civilians regardless of there ethnic or religious background and brought the looted assets back to there mountain region of Tribal Areas and Afghanistan. When Mughal Empire (exception to Aurangzaeb’s time) was strong these Afghan warriors stopped invaded India but before and after they kept terrorizing the region, there was short break during Ranjit Singh’s era as well. Actually during Mughals, these Afghan warlords were getting enough from Empire, so they never felt the need for looting. British Empire also had hard time to protect Northern India from Afghan warriors but after several wars they sign treaties with Afghans and in 1883 successfully they established Durand Line as international boundaries.
Until 1980 it was more or less respected by all sides. In 1980s Pakistani army & CIA jointly initiated proxy war against socialist Afghan government to protect US interests in the region. In this ghost war they exploited Islam to motivate non-state actors to start terror against Afghan and Russian troops. Around the world, (brainwashed) youngsters brought into the region to start US sponsored terror against Afghan socialist government but majority of them were local Afghans and Pakistanis illiterate fanatics. This was the big blow for non state actors to grow larger then state power in the region. Durand Line was disrespected by CIA, Pakistan Army and militant jehadis for over 20 years. That is also a historic fact that the USSR did big mistake for entering there troops in Afghanistan. After USSR left Afghanistan and US also stop taking the interest in the country, then Pakistan Army found this golden opportunity to control entire Afghanistan and they did this successfully for number of years (through Talaban). With this mess, the arrangement of modern history, where boundaries were respected was jeopardize on the hands of non-state actors. Now the status of Durand Line is backed to before 1883 era.
In the year 2001 after 9/11 world was changed and Pakistan was forced to take ‘U” turn against there own creation, the beasts called Jehadi Talaban. These newly orphans were not raised to respect Durand Line or any other rules of Islam or civilized world. Now where we are? Are we going back to 18th century situation again? The time when some of the reliable Muslims clerics of Punjab and Northern India used to invite Afghans to invade India on the name of protecting Islam but once they reached, only scars of atrocity left behind.
Great Punjabi intellectual of that time Bulleh Shah was also among the critics of those Muslim clerics they supported Afghan warriors:
"Mullah te mashalch, donu iko chit Loka karday chanan, aap andheray wich” (The mullah and the torch-bearer Hail from the same stock They give light to others, And themselves are in the dark.) "Sach kanda bhanbhar balda nain”.
Unfortunately the masses never stand against terror on the name of Allah and unfortunately elite class of that time was also a part of that atrocity on there own people – this brought into the situation when everybody in Punjab was saying: “Khada Pita Sain Da – baki Nadir Shahi Da”
The moral of this story is: Jo bou ga wohi kato ga (As you sow so shall you reap)