Summary from the discussion on Face book @Laal Group:
Asjad wrote on September 28, 2009 at 4:14pm
BOOK: General, I Accuse You (From Attock Fort) By: Major Aftab Ahmed
In 1984 Major Aftab Ahmed was arrested along with other junior army officer were charged by Zia regime on treason and other serious allegations. Major Aftab Ahmed declared as principle accused and was trialed in-camera by a special military court at Attock Fort for waging a war against Pakistan and sentenced to life imprisonment. This book is based on his testimony he made before the trial court that he never recognised as a lawful authority and also includes his in-depth analysis of personal experiences during different regimes in Pakistan.
Quote from his book "Yes! I was consciously against martial law and had earnestly dreamed and desired the country to go back to her origin and ideology: a democratic system of governance to serve to her people. Whether in the barracks or out in the field, it was something, which I always advocated at my levels. Martial law had bled the country morally, politically, economically, and worst of all, geographically."
Title: General I Accuse You (From Attock Fort) By: Major Aftab Ahmed
Publishers: Jumhoori Publications; By Mahjabeen Agha: The NEws, June 7, 2007
Asjad wroteon September 30, 2009 at 5:31pm
Ok guys this is further info about Major Aftab Ahmed.
Today I called on the number (provided by comrade Mustajab) and talked to his brother Khalid Ahmed (in Netherlands) we had long discussion. I was really delighted that I made this call. This is the abstract of my discussion:
Although Major Aftab is not consider himself as communist or socialist but he had very strong commitment for democracy and social justice in Pakistan. During Zia martial law he was very much upset about the role of military as an institution and the way Gen Zia was running the country…. in his over 15 years service he wrote several letters to GHQ about the need for reforms in military and genuinely thought that since this is not imperialist British Army instead it is national army, so it should serve the country not to rule the country and also the culture of army should change from imperialist to national army…. On the basis of some of his letters and phony operation from ISI (on the initiate of ISI’s General Akhtar A. Rehman) Zia regime involved him and dozens of other democrat mind junior officers in treason cases and he got life sentence from military court. He get freed with other political prisoners during BB’s first government…. But guys guess what happened to him next..... in BB’s second government he was picked up by ISI again and went to jail (this time without any allegation) and it happened during his visit to Larkana with Murtaza and Nusrat Bhutto. According to Mr Khalid Ahmed he traveled with BB in 1986 and during that historic journey BB personally told him that his brother Major Aftab is her hero and she has lot of respect for him. Khalid also mentioned that in BB’s second term when Major Aftab was leading some big demonstration against government Mr. Jahangir Badar offered him some big benefits from BB’s government but he refused. He also suffered many family tragedies including lost of son when he was in prison and Zia regime never allow him to attend the funeral of his son.
Now a days Major Aftab lives in Lahore and he used to work for some security company and right now he is working for Punjab government and he is not satisfied there either.
Post #10
Taimur Rahman (SOAS) wroteon September 30, 2009 at 8:33pm
Very interesting and informative. Why was he picked up the second time?
Post #11
Umair Bilal (SZABIST) wrote18 hours ago
Looks like a must read.
Post #12
Umer Akram (Lahore University of Management Sciences) wrote16 hours ago
This is very interesting.
Post #13
Rashid Suleman (Germany) wrote13 hours ago
I have to read his book.
Post #14
Asjad wrote13 hours ago
@Rashid - I am also very much keen to read this also. One another thing Major Aftab’s brother told me was that during his statements in military court @ Attock Fort there were always pin drop silence and it seems everybody was very much convinced by his arguments and then top regime ordered to conclude the case as early as possible. He said all of the top ranking military personnel involved in this matter were on the plane that went to hell with Zia.
Post #15
Wali Nayyar wrote12 hours ago
very interesting!!
Post #16
Badeel Janjua (Pakistan) wrote11 hours ago
Wow nice piece of information, thnx for sharing comrade Asjad!
Post #17
Asjad wrote8 hours ago
Some more infor:
Remember week ago notorious encounter between Brig. Imtiaz Bila and G.M. Khar on Dr Danish’s program @ExpressTV in which Khar also paid tributes to those junior army officer including Major Aftab – Khalid Ahamd said before going to that program Brigadier Bila give courtesy call to Major Aftab to figure out rather Major Aftab is going to media to tell his part of the story and he said now Brig. Bila calling him “putar” ….
When I asked why Major Aftab is not appearing into our ‘independent media’ to tell the nation about this important chapter of our national history and especially right now when people like Haroon Rashid start telling again in media that evil Gen Zia is our national hero and he was marda-momin …. He should tell the story of his martial law and also how our military establishment victimise even their own members – when they don’t follow their unconstitutional commands – - - he said we are trying all of our links and resource and contacted all of the major media anchors including Talat Hussain and Hamid Mir but still non of them is ready to tell Major Aftab’s story on air. That is the reason he published this book and two other books are also coming soon.
@ Badeel – it is my pleasure to share this – hopefully I transmitted correctively.
Post #18
Asjad wrote on October 5, 2009 at 7:52am
This is a thankU message from Khalid Ahmed (brother of Major Aftab Ahmed), regarding our discussion about his brother.
Re: Asjad Bukhari - Calgary Canada
My dear brother,
Our telephonic conversation and your words will remain in my memories till my last breath on this earth. I wish I could use proper words about your kind views about my brother.
I forgot to thank you and all other friends who have been interested to know more about Major Aftab Ahmed. Let's hope that our electronic media (which claims to be independent/Impartial) would provide him an opportunity to say something, which might be a source of 'Great Hul Chal' in the hearts and minds of our masses (who have been waiting for the 'Frishtoon Ki Fooj',aasmanoon say utry gi Aur in ko Haqooq Dilwaye gi) to realize that " its high time to stand up, join hands and remove the 'Prince and Princess of Machiavelli', from the power corridors, if they at least would like to see our future generations free of injustices,poverty and all other social evils!!
I love you all,
Khalid Ahmed
Jan Palachstraat 16,
2552 NK The Hague, Netherlands.
Ph:+31-70-8873913 Res
+31-634918806 Mob
PS: will you please convey my regards to the Laal Group.
Post #19
Taimur Rahman (SOAS) wrote6 hours ago
Excellent contribution comrade. Brilliant work.
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