Most of the people like me strongly believe, that the danger, state of Pakistan and its citizens are facing today is the direct result of there own policies during and after Afghan-Soviet war of 80s. Pakistani agencies and CIA created and trained these so-called jehadi savage groups to fight against Russians and later on we used them to control entire Afghanistan and then we tried to convert some of them towards neighbor hostile state. Other then USA and western world, Saudi Arab was the main sponsor of this evil adventure of 80s. To make Saudis happy these militant groups were trained with the coating of the fanatic interpretation of Wahabi Islam. After 9/11 under the pressure of USA and international community, Pakistan government (reluctantly) did “U” turn and they turn their guns against there own pets. At this point, the history changed and Bin Laden and his disciples took solo leadership position of these groups. After US war on Iraq and other foreign policies of President Bush, the public opinion in Saudi and other Muslim countries went further in favor of Al-Qaida/Jehadis. Generosity of rich Saudis and some other Muslims made these groups more resourceful and brutal. At now the terrorists are the loose network of three types of forces: a) Fanatics b) Lunatics c) Criminals. With this un-holly marriage, now the situation is that all these evil groups are out of control under the tent of Jehades.
This was very brief background. The question is - how to fix this mess and stop the nuclear power nation Pakistan falling in the hands of lunatics, fanatics and criminals?
The answers or discussions on the issue from different corners I am getting at this time are:
Pakistani Media: Major segment of them portrays soft corner for terrorists, most of them are suggesting that it is not our war because we don’t have this situation before US invasion of Afghanistan. They are suggesting don’t do any operation against them, you should negotiate with them. Some of the media anchors provoke government to take military action against the people they challenge the writ of the state. But when government takes action they flip into other side and criticizing government for killing there own people. (Lal-Masjid incident and tribal area military operations are the best fit examples of this).
Politicians: Other then present ruling party and his allies, majority of political parties taking the same position as media. Because this is the popular lines and it gives them easy fame.
General population: Because of the poor performance and bad governance of governments, they are not very much standing in back of any government but overall they are divided and confused. Majority of them believe on conspiracy theories that USA and India is playing all the evil game and our nukes are the target. But recent terrorist attacks in Punjab cities might change there attitude.
I think: Pakistanis have lot of potential, they can comeback safely out of this deadly situation. Regardless of there differences, the nation has to unit on this issue and as a first step they have to put pressure on media and political/religious leaders and there schools not to be sympathetic with these terrorist groups. Pakistan Army and political governments have to make it there number one priority and they should attack first on there supply lines, especially cash flow from rich Saudis etc., and on the basis of efficient intelligence network they should attack there leadership with iron hands on there sanctuaries, no matter those sanctuaries are in mosques or in madrasas in big cities or in mountains. At this time it feels me that Pakistan is bleeding badly and no-body is there to rescue this poor body.
With big hope that this situation will change – asjad
This was very brief background. The question is - how to fix this mess and stop the nuclear power nation Pakistan falling in the hands of lunatics, fanatics and criminals?
The answers or discussions on the issue from different corners I am getting at this time are:
Pakistani Media: Major segment of them portrays soft corner for terrorists, most of them are suggesting that it is not our war because we don’t have this situation before US invasion of Afghanistan. They are suggesting don’t do any operation against them, you should negotiate with them. Some of the media anchors provoke government to take military action against the people they challenge the writ of the state. But when government takes action they flip into other side and criticizing government for killing there own people. (Lal-Masjid incident and tribal area military operations are the best fit examples of this).
Politicians: Other then present ruling party and his allies, majority of political parties taking the same position as media. Because this is the popular lines and it gives them easy fame.
General population: Because of the poor performance and bad governance of governments, they are not very much standing in back of any government but overall they are divided and confused. Majority of them believe on conspiracy theories that USA and India is playing all the evil game and our nukes are the target. But recent terrorist attacks in Punjab cities might change there attitude.
I think: Pakistanis have lot of potential, they can comeback safely out of this deadly situation. Regardless of there differences, the nation has to unit on this issue and as a first step they have to put pressure on media and political/religious leaders and there schools not to be sympathetic with these terrorist groups. Pakistan Army and political governments have to make it there number one priority and they should attack first on there supply lines, especially cash flow from rich Saudis etc., and on the basis of efficient intelligence network they should attack there leadership with iron hands on there sanctuaries, no matter those sanctuaries are in mosques or in madrasas in big cities or in mountains. At this time it feels me that Pakistan is bleeding badly and no-body is there to rescue this poor body.
With big hope that this situation will change – asjad